The coral is as precious of the ocean as the starry sky. The falling wind blows from the Pingtung peninsula to the sea, taking away the sand but bringing the color and liveliness from the coral. This project translates the principle of nature via a computational algorithm. Learning the features of the coral polyp, such as pushing each cell, copying, growing, expanding, and dynamically stacking, the design method attempts to record each different growth section to produce a beautiful complex organic curved surface.
ROSO is dedicated to the research of cutting-edge robotic 3D printing technology and materiality. Thus, the project presents the various appearance and luster of the coral underwater via transparent material to build up a colorful and dynamic environment.
珊瑚為半島上珍貴的海底星空,落山風吹,從半島吹向海 洋,帶走了泥沙,帶回了色彩與活潑在珊瑚上。此作品利 用電腦演算轉化這自然界的規則,學習於珊瑚之微小細胞 彼此互相推擠、複製、生長與擴張之規則,並在經過時間 軸向的動態堆疊,慢慢形成一複雜有機曲面的美麗型態, 也紀錄了每一個過程發展中的生成切片。
ROSO 機器人建造實驗室致力於機器人 3D 列印技術與新 興材料研究,此次將透過透明材料,表現海底珊瑚美麗的 變幻樣態與純淨光澤,而他的色彩則是與其互動的人們與 光,相互共生而成的繽紛。
藝術家 | 盛郁庭、王識源
專案設計與製造 | 盧彥臣、宋非凡、洪維澤、陳長忻
助理 | 鄭中杰、謝維倫、張展旗、李長錦、 李柚呈、李長錦
指導單位 | 屏東縣政府
承辦單位 | 原物創意 OIC
策展單位 | 群眾
攝影 | 定影影像 FIXER
作品尺寸 | 5M X 1M X 2.2M
ROSO is dedicated to the research of cutting-edge robotic 3D printing technology and materiality. Thus, the project presents the various appearance and luster of the coral underwater via transparent material to build up a colorful and dynamic environment.
珊瑚為半島上珍貴的海底星空,落山風吹,從半島吹向海 洋,帶走了泥沙,帶回了色彩與活潑在珊瑚上。此作品利 用電腦演算轉化這自然界的規則,學習於珊瑚之微小細胞 彼此互相推擠、複製、生長與擴張之規則,並在經過時間 軸向的動態堆疊,慢慢形成一複雜有機曲面的美麗型態, 也紀錄了每一個過程發展中的生成切片。
ROSO 機器人建造實驗室致力於機器人 3D 列印技術與新 興材料研究,此次將透過透明材料,表現海底珊瑚美麗的 變幻樣態與純淨光澤,而他的色彩則是與其互動的人們與 光,相互共生而成的繽紛。
藝術家 | 盛郁庭、王識源
專案設計與製造 | 盧彥臣、宋非凡、洪維澤、陳長忻
助理 | 鄭中杰、謝維倫、張展旗、李長錦、 李柚呈、李長錦
指導單位 | 屏東縣政府
承辦單位 | 原物創意 OIC
策展單位 | 群眾
攝影 | 定影影像 FIXER
作品尺寸 | 5M X 1M X 2.2M

國際設計大獎 | International Design Awards
銅獎(建築類-公共藝術與公共藝術裝置) | Bronze in Architecture Categories / Public Art & Public Art Installation
ADA新銳建築獎 | ADA Awards for Emerging Architects
國際設計大獎 | International Design Awards
銅獎(建築類-公共藝術與公共藝術裝置) | Bronze in Architecture Categories / Public Art & Public Art Installation
ADA新銳建築獎 | ADA Awards for Emerging Architects

ROSO is an interdisciplinary research team. The main objective of the laboratory is to use innovative robotics technology and computational design thinking to provide diverse intelligent construction processes and solutions. Through the collision of various emerging technologies, ROSO aims to open up discussions on "the imagination of architecture" and "the possibilities of construction.
ROSO is an interdisciplinary research team. The main objective of the laboratory is to use innovative robotics technology and computational design thinking to provide diverse intelligent construction processes and solutions. Through the collision of various emerging technologies, ROSO aims to open up discussions on "the imagination of architecture" and "the possibilities of construction.