Shih-Yuan Wang, Sze-Teng Liong, Y.S. Gan, Yu-Ting Sheng (2023, Nov).Cost-effective concrete fabrication for large irregularly shaped architectural structures. Automation in Construction (SCI).


Sze-Teng Liong, Feng-Wei Kuo, Y.S. Gan, Yu-Ting Sheng, Shih-Yuan Wang, (2023, Oct).Predicting trajectory of crane-lifted load using LSTM network: A comparative study of simulated and real-world scenarios. Expert Systems with Applications (SCI).


Yu-Ting Sheng, Sze-Teng Liong, Y.S. Gan, Shih-Yuan Wang, (2023, Jan).3D printing on freeform surface: Real-time and accurate 3D dynamic dense surface reconstruction with HoloLens and displacement measurement sensors. Advances in Mechanical Engineering (SCI).



Cheng, Chung-Chieh, Sheng, Yu-Ting and Wang, Shih-Yuan (2022, Apr). Robotic Fabrication Process of Glued Laminated Bamboo for Material Efficient Construction. Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA), Sydney.


Tsai, Tsung-Han, Chen, Ting-Chia, Huang, Ching-Wen, Lu, Yen-Cheng, Wang, Shih-Yuan (2022, Apr). S.N.O.W_Sintering TPU via Nichrome Wire. Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA), Sydney. 


Shih-Yuan Wang, Fei-Fan Sung, Sze-Teng Liong, Yu-Ting Sheng, Y.S. Gan (2022, Jul). What does it look like? An artificial neural network model to predict the physical dense 3D appearance of a large-scale object. Expert Systems with Applications (SCI).


Chen, Ting-Chia, Huang, Tsai, Tsung-Han, Wang, Ching-Wen, Wang, Shih-Yuan (2022, Sep). Compliant Mechanism Moulding via NiChrome Wire Sintering Method. Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe), Ghent.


Lin, Han, Tsai, Tsung-Ha, Chen, Ting-Chia,  Sheng, Yu-Ting, Wang, Shih-Yuan (2022, Sep).

Robotic Additive Manufacturing of Glass Structures. Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe), Ghent.


Ching-Yun Tseng, Chung-Chieh Cheng, Yen-Cheng Lu, Che-Chen Hu, Yu-Ting Sheng, Shih-Yuan Wang(2022, Nov). Shell Structure of Bamboo Composite. Sociedad Iberoamericana de Gráfica Digital (SIGraDi), Barcelona.


Y.S.Gan, Weihao Chen, Wei-Chuen Yau, Ziyun Zoub, Sze-Teng Liong, Shih-Yuan Wang (2022, Nov). 3D SOC-Net: Deep 3D Reconstruction Network Based On Self-organizing Clustering Mapping. Expert Systems with Applications (SCI).



Y.S. Gan, Shih-Yuan Wang, Chieh-En Huang, Yi-Chen Hsieh, Hsiang-Yu Wang, Wen-Hung Lin, Shing-Nam Chong, Sze-Teng Liong (2021, Aug). How Many Bedrooms Do You Need? A Real-Estate Recommender System from Architectural Floor Plan Images. Scientific Programming (SCI).


Tsung-Hsien Wang, Yu-Lin Chung, Shih-Yuan Wang, Wen-Shao Chang (2021, Mar).
Glue-laminated bamboo for dowel-type moment-resisting connections. Composite Structures (SCI).



Yen-Chang Huang, Shih-Yuan Wang, Sze-Teng Liong, Chieh-En Huang, Yi- Chen Hsieh, Hsiang-Yu Wang, Wen-Hung Lin, Y. S. Gan (2020, Aug). Who Is the Designer? ARC-100 Database and Benchmark on Architecture Classification. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems (SCI).

Lu, Yi-Heng, Wang, Shih-Yuan, Sheng, Yu-Ting, Lin, Che-Wei, Pang, Yu-Hsuan and Hung, Wei-Tse (2020, Aug). Transient Materialization-Robotic Metal Curving. Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA), Thailand.



Y., Sheng, Shih-Yuan Wang, M., Ki, Y., Chiu, Lu, Y., Tu, and J., Shih (2019, Sep). Spatial Glass Bonds - Computation and fabrication system of complex glass structure. Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe),Porto.




ROSO is an interdisciplinary research team. The main objective of the laboratory is to use innovative robotics technology and computational design thinking to provide diverse intelligent construction processes and solutions. Through the collision of various emerging technologies, ROSO aims to open up discussions on "the imagination of architecture" and "the possibilities of construction.


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