
「炎松之圓」設計細節 如果仔細看「炎松之圓」的七層階梯,會發現有「道、天、地、將、法、容、易」,這是黃炎松博士創業時精煉出珍貴的致勝心法,不僅僅是給學生的指導方針,也激勵許多人,鼓勵大家帶領團隊共同實現願景。: 『道』:致力於實現你的願景 『天』:抓住流行趨勢所帶來的新機運 『地』:確保有利的戰略位置 『將』:領導團隊 『法』:創造最佳方法以實現卓越營運和效率 『容』:要以身作則,作一個具有包容性、洞察力和接受多樣性的領導者 『易』:並時常鞏固前面的六個要素,為主宰市場奠定基礎 「炎松之圓」的座椅則是由ROSO 機器人建造實驗室打造。選用漸層藍色、底部的水波結構、透明流暢的線條設計、圓弧的欲滴感,都是由機械手臂 3D 列印出來,彷彿水珠一滴滴地撒落在廣場上,展現了未來感與科技感。

Dr. Yen-Son (Paul) Huang Courtyard Before reaching to the top, there are seven steps that were thought to be seven mental methods to reach success by Dr. Huang. These are not simply guidelines for students; they serve as motivation for many others, urge everyone to guide the team and themselves with a shared vision as they proceed step by step. 道 - Tao (Mission): Committing to fulfill your vision. 天 - Trends: Seizing emerging opportunities generated by prevailing trends. 地 - Terrain: Securing favorable strategic position. 將 - Leaders: Unifying & leading your team to rally around the vision. 法 - Methodology: Creating the best methods to deliver operational excellence and efficiency. 容 - Inclusion: Role modeling a leader who is inclusive, insightful, and embraces diversity. 易 - Path to Success: Solidifying the elements above to set the stage for the leader to plan, develop, and subsequently, dominate the market. ROSO is our partner for the unique seating arrangements. A sense of the future and technology is conveyed by the transparent and gradient blue color, the water wave at the bottom, the clear and smooth line design, and the dripping sensation of the arc, all of which are 3D printed by robotic arms.

地點 | 國立陽明交通大學

設計單位 | 柏成設計

3D列印座椅 |ROSO機器人建造實驗室 



ROSO is an interdisciplinary research team. The main objective of the laboratory is to use innovative robotics technology and computational design thinking to provide diverse intelligent construction processes and solutions. Through the collision of various emerging technologies, ROSO aims to open up discussions on "the imagination of architecture" and "the possibilities of construction.


︎  No. 100, Wenhua Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City 407802 , Taiwan
︎  rosocoop@gmail.com
︎  04 2451 7250 #3331

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