今年八月義大利知名香氛品牌CULTI於北京SKP-S,打造「漫步地中海」的沉浸式選購體驗。SKP-S是由SKP和GENTLE MONSTER合作打造的旗艦百貨,以"Digital-Analog Future"為主題,為顧客創造前所未有的購物樂趣。
地點 | 北京SKP-S 1F中庭
展場設計 | 找好設計
裝置藝術設計與製造團隊 |ROSO機器人建造實驗室
攝影 | 定影影像 FIXER Photographic Studio
商場圖片來源 | SKP-S
展場設計 | 找好設計
裝置藝術設計與製造團隊 |ROSO機器人建造實驗室
攝影 | 定影影像 FIXER Photographic Studio
商場圖片來源 | SKP-S

ROSO is an interdisciplinary research team. The main objective of the laboratory is to use innovative robotics technology and computational design thinking to provide diverse intelligent construction processes and solutions. Through the collision of various emerging technologies, ROSO aims to open up discussions on "the imagination of architecture" and "the possibilities of construction.
ROSO is an interdisciplinary research team. The main objective of the laboratory is to use innovative robotics technology and computational design thinking to provide diverse intelligent construction processes and solutions. Through the collision of various emerging technologies, ROSO aims to open up discussions on "the imagination of architecture" and "the possibilities of construction.