A brief gathering, with random light and shadows. Depicting the freedom and stillness in nature through the image of a dandelion. As we dance, intersect, or collide with each other in the air, the sunlight illuminates the beautiful scenery and you with its light and shadows. ROSO is dedicated to the research of 3D printing technology and emerging materials for robots. This work utilizes 172 transparent printing materials and a pure white metal frame to showcase the intricate and lightweight elegance of a dandelion.
「短暫的相聚,隨機的光影。」以蒲公英的形象,展現自然界中的自由飄逸與停留。 當彼此在空中的飛舞、交錯、或聚首。陽光照下,光與影,框出了美麗的風景 和 你。ROSO機器人建造實驗室致力於機器人3D列印技術與 新興材料研究。此次將透過172支透明列印材料與純白金屬框架,展現蒲公英的錯綜複雜與輕盈飄逸。
專案設計與製造 | 王識源、盛郁庭、羅浚銓、劉羿妡、宋非凡、洪維澤、鄭中杰、謝文濬
材料 | 透明塑料、金屬
尺寸 | 210x210x195 cm
地點 | 台中,台灣 (涮屋馬)
攝影 | ROSO 機器人建造實驗室
「短暫的相聚,隨機的光影。」以蒲公英的形象,展現自然界中的自由飄逸與停留。 當彼此在空中的飛舞、交錯、或聚首。陽光照下,光與影,框出了美麗的風景 和 你。ROSO機器人建造實驗室致力於機器人3D列印技術與 新興材料研究。此次將透過172支透明列印材料與純白金屬框架,展現蒲公英的錯綜複雜與輕盈飄逸。
專案設計與製造 | 王識源、盛郁庭、羅浚銓、劉羿妡、宋非凡、洪維澤、鄭中杰、謝文濬
材料 | 透明塑料、金屬
尺寸 | 210x210x195 cm
地點 | 台中,台灣 (涮屋馬)
攝影 | ROSO 機器人建造實驗室

ROSO is an interdisciplinary research team. The main objective of the laboratory is to use innovative robotics technology and computational design thinking to provide diverse intelligent construction processes and solutions. Through the collision of various emerging technologies, ROSO aims to open up discussions on "the imagination of architecture" and "the possibilities of construction.
ROSO is an interdisciplinary research team. The main objective of the laboratory is to use innovative robotics technology and computational design thinking to provide diverse intelligent construction processes and solutions. Through the collision of various emerging technologies, ROSO aims to open up discussions on "the imagination of architecture" and "the possibilities of construction.